How To Treat Hormonal Acne

How To Treat Hormonal Acne

How do you treat hormonal acne?

  1. Establish a skincare routine
  2. Address Your PCOS Symptoms
  3. Limit your dairy and sugar consumption
  4. Complete your Vitamin D intake
  5. Drink green tea extract
  6. Try zinc supplements for acne
Hormonal acne is caused by changes in your hormones. This typically happens during puberty and menopause, but it is also common in young women during menstruation. Other than that, PCOS is also a common cause. This happens because the fluctuations in your hormone balance lead to excess oil production—triggering a breakout. As a result, pimples usually show up on the lower part of your face. If you want to know how to treat hormonal acne, keep on reading!

Establish A Skincare Routine

Hormonal changes can lead to an increase in oil and sebum production in your skin. If you don’t cleanse regularly, the excess oil, dirt, and dead skin cells can clog your pores and form whiteheads and pimples. To help clear up your hormonal acne and prevent it in the future, you should establish a skincare routine. Wash your face with a fragrance-free cleanser in the morning and in the evening. After that, you need a moisturizer to hydrate your skin. Remember to wear sunscreen before going out. And before trying new products, don’t forget to patch test a small amount. This way, you can see if it’ll trigger a breakout or an allergic reaction.

Address Your PCOS Symptoms Address Your PCOS Symptoms

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition that can cause small growths on the outer edges of the ovaries. It can lead to irregular menstruation, prevent ovulation, and is one of the risk factors for acne. Factors that might lead to this condition include excess androgen hormones, having certain genes, inflammation, or excess insulin. A check-up with an obstetrician-gynecologist can help you diagnose your PCOS. Your doctor might prescribe combination birth control pills to help normalize your hormonal levels. This helps treat the symptoms of PCOS—such as excess hair growth, abnormal bleeding, and acne.

Limit Your Dairy And Sugar Consumption

Several studies show that an intake of dairy products—such as cheese and milk—was linked with a greater risk of acne. It is suggested that these foods encourage the production of hormones that can trigger breakouts. If you need to add milk to your recipes, there are plant-based alternatives such as almond milk, cashew milk, and more. Other than dairy, consuming refined grains and sugars might increase your risk of developing acne. This might be because foods such as white rice, white bread, sodas, and sweeteners such as honey and sugar are absorbed quickly into your bloodstream. As a result, your blood sugar also rises, which in turn triggers your insulin levels to increase. Insulin encourages androgen hormones to be more active and release substances that can lead to acne development.

Complete Your Vitamin D Intake Complete your Vitamin D intake

Do you stay indoors most of the time? Or maybe you always apply sunscreen to prevent skin damage and wrinkles. Not having enough exposure to the sun might be one of the risk factors why you have acne. This is because having low levels of Vitamin D is associated with people that have acne. This is the vitamin your skin produces when you’re exposed to the sun. Compared to that, supplementing can improve the appearance of your acne. That’s why if you’re deficient, you can try the Vitamin D3 400IU tablets by Puritan’s Pride! This way, you don’t have to worry about sun damage.

Drink Green Tea Extract

Are you a coffee drinker? If you have acne, it might be time to switch to green tea! This healthy beverage contains polyphenols that can reduce inflammation and sebum production—which are factors in hormonal acne. Maybe that’s the reason why the actresses and actors in your favorite Asian shows look so flawless. If you want to reduce the appearance of your acne, green tea supplementation has proven to be effective with lesions on the nose, chin, and the area surrounding your mouth. To experience these benefits, you can consume the Green Tea Standardized Extract by Puritan’s Pride! This way, you can take this health supplement with your everywhere.

Try Zinc Supplements For Acne Try zinc supplements for acne

Did you know that zinc is one of the most widely studied nutrients used in acne treatment? This nutrient has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and has been used to treat several skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, and more! Oral supplementation of zinc is highly effective in treating acne that is bacterial and inflamed in nature. If you have mild acne, it’s also good for you too. If you’re interested, you can try out the Zinc For Acne by Puritan’s Pride! This skin formula supplement contains 50 mg of zinc and 150 mg of vitamin C per serving, so it can help boost your immune system too.

Key Takeaway

If you want to know how to treat hormonal acne, you can start by having a basic skincare regime. For women that have irregular menstruation cycles, it is also recommended to consult with an OB-Gyne so they can help diagnose if you have PCOS. Other than that, modifying your diet would be helpful in treating your acne. For this reason, you might try avoiding sugar and dairy in your diet. Aside from these, you can also treat your acne with the help of health supplements by Puritan’s Pride! Check out their Vitamin D, Green Tea Extract, and Zinc vitamins in the online store.