A man with sore knee

8 Symptoms Of Osteoporosis You Should Watch Out For

What are the symptoms of osteoporosis?

  1. Brittle nails
  2. Weak grip
  3. Poor vision
  4. Fracture
  5. Decreased height
  6. Kyphosis
  7. Body pains
  8. Limited mobility
Osteoporosis is a disease that often occurs in older adults. It happens because bone production decreases as you age. That’s why vitamins for adults are often made with calcium and vitamin D to ensure that you reach your recommended daily intake. To learn more about osteoporosis symptoms, keep on reading!

Brittle Nails

Brittle nails Fragile and brittle nails are common signs of aging. It can also be more prevalent when paired with other factors like the frequent handling of detergents, swimming, an iron deficiency, hyperthyroidism, and menopause. When it comes to bone health, researchers say that your fingernails might help you see the bigger picture. A study has shown that nail mineral content—especially calcium and magnesium—could indicate your bone mineral density. In the future, it could also be possible to normalize non-invasive nail analysis in detecting osteoporosis.

Weak Grip

An early sign of osteoporosis can be noticed while you’re completing daily tasks. According to research, grip strength is a determining factor of osteoporosis risk for postmenopausal women. Results showed that those with weaker handgrip tend to have a lower bone mineral density in their spine, neck, and hip. That’s why if you notice that you’re having difficulty handling objects, it might be wise to get checked.

Poor Vision

Woman with poor vision Osteoporosis and poor vision can lead to accidents. When you have both, the risk of fall-related fractures also increases. But how is poor vision a symptom of osteoporosis? Studies conclude that this condition plays a role in the development of age-related macular degeneration (AMD) in postmenopausal women and dry eye syndrome. Both of these conditions cause blurry vision, which might increase your chances of injury. Your doctor will recommend medication, eye drops, and laser therapy (for AMD conditions).


Because physical symptoms are rare in the early stages of osteoporosis, diagnosis often happens after you suffer from a fall-related fracture. In some cases, bone injury occurs after simple movements like coughing, turning, and stepping off a curb. To reduce the occurrence of fractures, the USA National Institutes Of Health recommends improving your balance. This can be done by doing muscle-strengthening exercises, correcting vision, and practicing balance daily. They also advise on decreasing bone fragility through a nutritious diet complete with calcium, vitamin D, and medication.

Decreased Height

A man slouching As you know by now, osteoporosis can cause bone fractures. When it occurs on your spine, a phenomenon called vertebral compression can take place. This can occur with or without pain, so when you notice that you lost a few centimeters, it might be time to consult your physician. To slow down your height shrinkage, it is recommended to improve your posture, strengthen your back muscles, and stay active—with the approval of your doctor.


Are you having difficulty correcting your slouch? This might be because it is more than a posture problem. When the compressions in your spine worsen, it is possible to lead to a condition called kyphosis. This happens when your back curves forward exaggeratedly. Kyphosis can bring about complications such as back pain, difficulty breathing, digestive problems, and poor self-esteem. Surgery may be recommended if the spinal curvature causes pinched nerves.

Body Pains

Woman with back pain Compared to weak grip, which can occur in the early stages of osteoporosis, back and neck pain can be a sign of worsening of your condition. Research shows that bone deformation and a decrease in height might happen without much pain, but cases may differ. It should also be considered that hypersensitivity to pain commonly occurs during menopause, causing aches in the lumbar area. To alleviate your pain, your doctor may prescribe over-the-counter medication and physical therapy. A sedentary lifestyle can worsen your pain, making an exercise program beneficial for you.

Limited Mobility

In the later stages of osteoporosis, your mobility may be affected—making even walks to short distances difficult. This can encourage you to stay in bed and reduce your quality of life. Weight gain can also be an issue, which can increase your risk of obesity-related diseases. Other than that, your emotional and mental health can also be affected. Just like other symptoms, physical therapy can do wonders in extending your range of mobility.

Key Takeaway

If you let it, this bone disease can affect not just your physical wellness but also your emotional and mental welfare. That’s why before you notice these osteoporosis symptoms, you can take action to prevent them! To maintain your bone density before you develop this condition, it is recommended to engage in weight-bearing exercises such as dancing, jogging, playing tennis, and lifting weights. Whether you do have osteoporosis or not, consuming adequate amounts of calcium and vitamin D will tremendously help your bone health. Need a high-quality and affordable health supplement to prevent and treat this disease? Shop at Puritan’s Pride now!