A man about to take his daily multivitamin

5 Reasons To Take Multivitamins

What are the reasons to take multivitamins?

  1. To boost your immune system
  2. To slow down the signs of aging
  3. If you are a vegetarian
  4. To avoid vitamin deficiencies
  5. Pregnancy
Vitamins come in many forms. Some are made to boost immunity, while others are made for different age groups. No matter what the reason is, these health supplements help fill in the gap in your diet. If you’re looking for reasons to take multivitamins, keep on reading!

To Boost Your Immune System A hand holding different types of supplements

If you often experience having a cold, suffer from stomach problems, catch infections frequently, and feel lethargic on most occasions, chances are, you have a weakened immune system. It is important to boost immunity so the cells in your body can fight off viruses and bacteria which can transform into diseases. To do this, you have to make sure that your body is getting the right amount of nutrients. For example, if you don’t go out frequently, you may be deficient in vitamin D from the sun, which can increase your risk of influenza. It also helps to consume enough vitamin C and zinc to help you prevent colds and reduce their duration if you have one.

To Slow Down The Signs Of Aging

Aging is a process that affects the function of different body parts. For one, the stomach may produce lower amounts of acid, which can affect the absorption of essential nutrients. One prime example of this is calcium. Elderly people experience more bone mass loss and have difficulty absorbing this mineral in their bodies. This can also be associated with vitamin D deficiency common in older adults because it is the nutrient needed to absorb calcium. Without enough amounts of calcium and vitamin D, the risk for bone-related problems such as osteoporosis is higher. Menopause may also be a contributing factor, causing women to lose their bones. To prevent these problems, the supplementation of calcium with vitamin D may help reduce bone loss and fractures. It is also important to take this multivitamin early because bone mass peaks at 30 years old.

If You Are A Vegetarian A woman eating a salad

Individuals with a restrictive diet due to personal choice or allergies may be receiving fewer nutrients than they need. Thus, vegetarians—people who don’t meat—are more likely to experience vitamin B12 deficiency. Vitamin B12 is needed to support brain health and the synthesis of red blood cells. It can only be absorbed from animal-based foods such as beef, pork, poultry, and fish. Negative effects of a vitamin B12 deficiency are memory problems, fatigue, and depression. Once it worsens, weakness and numbness in hands and feet are common. It can also increase the risk of brain-related problems. To remedy this, vegetarians are recommended to consume supplements with the right amount of vitamin B12. Other nutrients you should also look into are zinc, calcium, omega 3, and iron.

To Avoid Vitamin Deficiencies

Other than vegetarians, those who don’t keep a healthy balance of different nutrients in their diet can also experience a deficiency. Studies show that individuals with mouth ulcers lack enough iron or don’t have enough B vitamins in their body. This is also common in those who suffer from dry and bleeding corners of the mouth. Sometimes, diseases and surgeries can also cause nutrient deficiency. Colon cancer, or Crohn's disease, can affect the absorption of iron. On the other hand, the bariatric procedure, which involves the reduction of stomach size for weight loss, can also do the same. If you are diagnosed with a deficiency, a supplement may be recommended to you by your doctor.

Pregnancy A pregnant woman

For women who are carrying a baby, the required macronutrients and micronutrients also increase. While following a meal plan is the best choice, there may be some considerations you and your doctor will talk about. For example, folic acid supplements may be prescribed to help prevent birth defects. Iron deficiency is also common among pregnant women, which can lead to preterm labor.

Key Takeaway

For people who can’t take the recommended nutrients from diet alone, due to a medical condition or a restrictive diet, consuming supplements may be the recommended route. This will help you strengthen your body to fight off infections, and fill the nutritional gaps brought on by aging, lifestyle, illness, or pregnancy. If you’re looking for more reasons to take multivitamins, you may read more of our blogs here.